Welcome Back! Over the past few months while many of our stores were closed to aid in and do our part in slowing the spread of COVID-19, we implemented a well thought out, detailed plan of how we would welcome our customers back with health and safety top of mind.
As you tour our properties and return to your favorite restaurants and stores you will notice that we have implemented new signage that will aid in remaining 6 feet apart from those in the community you do not know well. These have been implemented in our common areas as well as for lines that may form outside of retailers. We also have COVID-19 Prevention reminder signage – wash your hands frequently, six feet is the sweet spot, wearing a face covering is for you and your community’s protection and in order to keep others safe please stay home if you are feeling sick. We also have automatic hand sanitizer stations throughout the property for use by all customers.
A dedicated person has been charged with cleaning high touch areas and will remain on-property for the foreseeable future. Curbside Parking areas have been designated and will remain even as retail stores allow in-person shopping. These amenities are provided for convenience as well as for the vulnerable population and those who do not feel it is their time to enter a store, just yet.
Finally, we remain committed to following the guidelines established by the CDC and OSHA for both the shopping centers and providing the information for our merchants. We look forward to seeing you back out at our NewMark Merrill Companies’ properties!
As stay at home orders are modified and we continue to welcome back more customers, linked below is information on center procedures and helpful guidelines for your consideration.
Please click on the links below to see a copy of our communications to our tenants and communities:
Letter to our merchants on March 20th
Initial correspondence to our tenants on March 20th explaining our plan to support our tenants and communities by keeping our shopping centers open and clean and details on how to take advantage of the low interest SBA loans for small businesses.
Letter to our community on March 20th
We communicated with customers at all of our shopping centers on March 20th with information on how they can visit the essential businesses still open at our shopping centers.
Letter to our merchants on March 29th
On March 29th, we sent information to all of our tenants about the CARES Act and how the government can loan them money to support their businesses, some of which can be forgiven.
Letter to our merchants on March 31st
On March 31st, we sent out further explanation of the CARES Act to our tenants including the application and worksheets to apply for the loan. The applications can be submitted starting Friday, April 3rd and the funds will go fast so get your application in as soon as possible.
Letter to our merchants on April 9th
On April 9th, we sent an update regarding the COVID-19 emergency dedicated to our communities, our tenants and our customers. A retail consulting firm, Retail Smart Guys, is working with us to help retailers understand the new programs and assist with the application process. Below you will find two video presentations with more information.
Letter to our community on April 13th
We communicated with customers at all of our shopping centers on April 13th thanking them for their continued support of our essential businesses and restaurants.
Letter to our merchants on April 20th
On April 20th, we sent a message to all of our tenants sharing how we are starting to think about reopening plans and what that looks like for our shopping centers and tenants in the near future. We also shared the latest updates on some financial programs to assist our merchants including a new program recently announced from the US Chamber of Commerce.
Letter to our merchants on April 24th
On April 24th, we communicated with our tenants to share the passing of the most recent coronavirus relief bill and provide resources and referrals to help with the loan application processes.
Letter to our merchants on April 29th
On April 29th, we sent out a list of immediate actions our merchants can start taking now to prepare their stores for when stay at home orders start getting lifted in our communities, like hiring support, signage inside and outside your store, and reopening supplies like masks, hand sanitizers, and POS shields.
Letter to our merchants on May 4th
On May 4th, we shared a financial resource, A10 Capital, with our tenants to help them with the loan application process to take advantage of the remaining funds from the second round of the Payment Protection Program.
Letter to our merchants on May 8th
On May 8th, we sent our tenants a link to our “Lifting Others” feature highlighting some outreach and support NewMark Merrill Companies is focusing on to lift up our tenants, customers, and communities during these challenging times.
Letter to our merchants on May 8th
On May 8th, we sent a letter to our California tenants with an update on Phase 2 reopening plans from Governor Newsom on new tenant categories available for curbside pickup, as well as some additional resources from the California Department of Health.
Letter to our community on May 20th
On May 20th, we sent a letter to our neighbors explaining the steps we are taking to enhance their experience when visiting our shopping center as stay at home orders are lessened like adding curbside delivery zones and signage, hand sanitizing stations, health and safety signage and more.
Letter to our merchants on May 28th
On May 28th, we shared some survey results to our merchants from over 115,000 community members and shoppers we reached out to in order to gauge what they were most looking forward to after stay at home restrictions were lessened.
Letter to our merchants on June 5th
On June 5th, we shared some thoughts with our tenants reopening in light of protests around the country and an update on the revision to the PPP loans giving merchants more time to spend the funds and still have it forgiven.
Letter to our merchants on June 19th
On June 19th, we shared some more survey responses from our customers regarding the factors that affect their decision to shop again, with 69% expecting proper social distancing, 66% looking for proper mask usage by staff, and 50% worrying if the virus poses a risk to themselves.
Letter to our community on June 30th
On June 30th, we communicated with our community members about how our shopping centers have struggled but now are starting to reemerge with more and more tenants opening up and customers starting to return and how the best way we can protect our communities is to wear face coverings and observe social distancing.
Letter to our merchants on July 2nd
On July 2nd, we shared some details with our tenants located in specific CA counties affected by Governor Newsom’s recent orders this week to halt indoor operations for all restaurants, family entertainment centers, movie theaters, museums, zoos and card rooms as well as bars for at least three weeks.
Letter to our merchants on July 9th
On July 9th, we updated our merchant partners with survey feedback from our customers across our portfolio with information like 92% of customers are looking for employees to regularly clean and disinfect high-traffic areas to help them feel comfortable with shopping and dining indoors again.
Letter to our merchants on July 22nd
On July 22nd, we shared an update regarding recent California changes for our merchants and highlighted some outdoor opportunities these retailers could take advantage of to keep operating.
Letter to our merchants on Aug 11th
On August 11th, we sent a letter to our merchants updating them on outdoor operations from some of our tenants, our continued conversation with government leaders to guide the next small business relief package, and updated survey results from our customers with their current feelings including 92% of our customers agreeing or strongly agreeing that our safety precautions currently in place increase their willingness to shop in our centers.
Letter to our community on Aug 18th
On August 18th, we sent a letter to our customers reminding them of the importance the key factors that will help us defeat COVID including social distancing, wearing masks, washing our hands, and avoiding large gatherings. We urged our customers to continue to support our merchants who are working hard to serve them and together we will get through this together.
Letter to our merchants on Sep 29th
On September 29th, we shared some visitor traffic increases we are seeing at our shopping center across our portfolio as well as the things we are doing to help customers feel comfortable shopping and how we are driving traffic through marketing and technology. We also shared some things we are doing on the government level to push for more funding to support our businesses through the RESTART Act and why we urge you to vote no on Prop 15 in California.
Letter to our community on Oct 15th
On October 15th, we updated our customers with the latest things we are doing to support our shopping center and our community as well as sharing what our customers can do to help our businesses by reaching out to government representatives to show support for additional stimulus bills as well as reviewing our strong opposition to Prop 15 and the subsequent tax increase if passed that will adversely affect our tenants’ ability to operate their businesses.
Letter to our merchants on Oct 21th
On October 21st, we shared some retail expertise insight from our partner Retail Smart Guys, including things like selling trends they are seeing in different verticals, their vision for holiday and spring, and some Black Friday ideas to safely attract customers and maximize sales.
Letter to our merchants on Dec 2nd
On December 2nd, we sent a letter to our tenants outlining several programs available to help tenants in California, including the California Rebuilding Fund, a $500 million COVID Relief Grant, the Tax Relief for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Executive Order, and the Keep LA County Dining program, among other things intended to support small businesses.
Letter to our community on Dec 3rd
On December 3rd, we sent a letter to our communities asking them to help support our small businesses by shopping local, picking up take out from our restaurants, using our designated pick up zones where our retailers can bring your order directly out to your car, explaining the different precautions we are taking to help keep our centers safe when you visit, and how our shopping centers can be your one stop shopping location for all of your needs.
Letter to our merchants on Dec 22nd
On December 22nd, we updated our tenants with some details on the latest stimulus package recently passed by Congress which includes $284 billion in Payroll Protection Program funds available to small businesses which can turn from a loan into a grant to cover things like payroll, rent, and other operational costs. If you need help with your PPP application, we also shared information on how to get in touch with A10 Capital or visit the COVID-19 section of our website for more information.
Letter to our merchants on Dec 30th
On December 30th, we sent a letter to our merchants updating them on the passage of the newest stimulus package into law by President Trump which means tenants should start working with their banks to prepare their applications for submission for the 2nd round of Paycheck Protection Programs funds. We also shared some trend analysis and future outlook information from Retail Smart Guys.
NewMark Merrill Companies wants to provide you with information about new federal resources that may be helpful at this time. On March 27, 2020, Congress passed the CARES Act to provide substantial assistance to workers, families and individuals. Included in the Act is the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) that authorizes up to $349 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses to pay their employees during the COVID-19 crisis.
Reopening Your Store after Covid-19: The Things You Are Not Yet Thinking About!
SBA Loans Video
Survival Strategies Video
Latest updates on the Stimulus Package
We are here for you, aligned with you, and working hard to get through this together. As always, if you need anything or have any questions, please Contact Us or call us at 818.710.6100 to speak with a NewMark Merrill representative directly. We look forward to seeing you onsite very soon!