Heading to the ICSC’s Vegas Conference This Weekend?
LAS VEGAS—ICSC – Here, We Go. 2021 networking conference is fast approaching and dealmakers and innovators will soon gather in person from December 5-7 in Las Vegas. Mike Sladich, regional director and partner of Stan Johnson, for one, is excited.
“It will be a great opportunity to renew old relationships and build new ones in person,” Sladich tells GlobeSt.com. “Nothing compares to the efficiency of large conferences for business development and knowledge sharing.”
Sandy Sigal, president and CEO of NewMark Merrill Cos., exclusively tells GlobeSt.com that he is excited to see so many friends and colleagues. “It will be great to share experiences, compare notes, and create new ICSC experiences.” He adds that “there is no substitute for in person experiences… This is how you create lasting, life changing opportunities.”
Hillary Steinberg, senior advisor of MDL Group/CORFAC International, is especially looking forward to being able to meet face-to-face with property owners and asset managers in town for the convention. Additionally, Steinbern says, it will be an opportunity to hear about up and coming retailers from other parts of the country.
We also caught up with Vicky Hammond, principal of Coreland Cos., who says that ICSC Las Vegas conferences are valuable events for our industry. “I’m encouraged that the organization is navigating a complicated environment to make it happen this December,” Hammon says. “Retail is a large worldwide industry that relies heavily on relationships and I’m personally looking forward to taking this first step back.”
From globest.com. Click here to read the full article.